Testicular cancer most often occurs at a relatively young age, making it the most common type of cancer found in men ages 15-34. The physicians at Urology Group of Florida have extensive experience evaluating, staging, and effectively treating testicular cancer in men of all ages.
Testicular Cancer Q & A
What causes testicular cancer?
Testicular cancer begins when cells inside your testicle begin to grow abnormally. Instead of following the genetic code that regulates orderly cell growth, something happens to change the DNA, and the cells begin to divide and grow too rapidly.
Although experts don’t know exactly what causes your DNA to change, they have found that certain factors may increase your risk of developing testicular cancer, such as:
An undescended testicle
A family history of testicular cancer
HIV infection
Previous history of testicular cancer
Age may also be a risk factor. You can develop testicular cancer at any age, but about half of all cases are diagnosed in men between the ages of 20 and 34.
What are the symptoms of testicular cancer?
You can catch early signs of cancer by doing regular testicular self-examinations. If you notice any of the following symptoms, call Advanced Urology of South Florida for a thorough evaluation:
A painless lump in one or both testicles
Swelling in either testicle
Enlarged testicle
Feeling of heaviness in your scrotum
Pain in your lower abdomen or groin
Pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum
If the cancer has spread, you may also experience symptoms in other parts of your body, such as the chest or lower back pain.
How is testicular cancer diagnosed and staged?
The doctors at Urology Group of Florida use blood tests and diagnostic imaging, such as ultrasound, to determine whether a testicular lump is cancerous.
If testicular cancer is diagnosed, your doctor determines its stage. Staging, which guides your treatment, is based on the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread.
How is testicular cancer treated?
Your doctor always customizes your treatment plan depending on the type and stage of your cancer. Treatment for testicular cancer may include:
Surgery to remove the testicle
Radiation therapy
In some cases, your doctor may recommend bone marrow transplantation, which involves removing and freezing healthy bone marrow so that you can undergo high-dose chemotherapy while preserving the regenerative stem cells in your bone marrow.
After your cancer treatment is finished, your bone marrow is infused back into your body, where the stem cells start making new blood cells.